
Hawk motherboard-electric-technology

Consumer Electronics

Hawk offers a wide range of services for technology and consumer electronics customers, that can meet all market requirements whether B2B or B2C solutions, or even multi-channel implementation.

Hawk’s solutions permit the reduction of inventory levels, high throughput rate with unique solution tailored to the requirements of its customers.

Engineering Supply Chains

These days, nearly everything a consumer buys comes from somewhere else, often from a great distance; thus, the transport manufacturing industry is inextricably incorporated into our lives.

Any company involved in manufacturing is part of the transport manufacturing industry.

Let Hawk assist with addressing the issues you may be facing in streaming your supply chain logistics.

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Fashion and Textiles

Hawk supports effective international transportation as part of a well-functioning supply chain for clothing, accessories, and textiles. Our company’s experienced specialists organise transportation by all available means and through use of combined schemes around UK, Europe, South-Eastern and Central Asia.

Our teams take into consideration the specific needs of every client and the characteristics of their cargo and develop optimal delivery routes.

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International shipments of goods, especially in the maritime sector, are mainly based on container transport. These containers are made in standard sizes and can be transported efficiently over long distances and transferred from one means of transport without being opened. Standardised containers have transformed the shipping and transport industry, allowing the transport of goods by rail, road and ship easily, as the containers can fit onto different forms of transport with ease.

The two most important, and most commonly used sizes are the 20-foot and 40-foot lengths.

The 20-foot container, referred to as a Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) became the industry standard reference with cargo volume and vessel capacity now measured in TEUs. The 40-foot length container – literally 2 TEUs – became known as the Forty-foot Equivalent Unit (FEU) and is the most frequently used container today.

Need Help With Your Imports or Exports ? We Are Experts.

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